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We also have several on demand specials for the holidays at: Jabberwocky and Lullaby
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Pipsqueaks brings you songs to sing 24/7
Songs written by kids, songs sung by kids, songs loved by kids.

It’s perfect for the summer camp or the summer school, the back yard or the back seat.

Don’t worry that it’s not good enough for anyone else to hear, just sing… sing a song
– Joe Raposo
More about Pipsqueaks and how to submit YOUR songs
In a nutshell, this is what we’re about:

Hear Young Children Sing
music and lyrics by Bill Camplin
There are pleasures you never see coming
Satisfaction you never can dream
For years your heart may lay heavy
Unexposed to a sparkle or gleam
Oh we think we know what is important
And get dulled by material things
But I finally regained my amazement
When I could hear young children sing
Hear the whole song