Make Radio
It’s easier than you think to create a program with your kids. All you need is a computer/mic system (to record on your computer) or tape recorder or mini disc recorder, a mic, and a plan. Here are some of the things you can do, depending on the age level of the kids.
Younger Kids
- You can interview them, radio style.
- Have them interview each other (you supervise)
- Have a kid retell an old favorite such as Red Riding Hood
- Have them sing
- Let them just talk. You can see what Chloe did on the World Kids News
Primary Grades
- Using a script based on a well known favorite, such as the Three Billy Goats Gruff, record a radio play. Assign roles- kids without parts can do sound effects. Practice, and then record.
- Teacher Created Materials has some good “Reader’s Theatre” scripts too
- Have kids interview people around school. Encourage them to write out questions beforehand.
- Have them interview each other.
- Have them interview each other.
- Have them compose a song and then record it.
Intermediate grades
- Find a short story or something from a reader and then adapt it to a radio play. Remember, what is not seen must be heard- if someone walks into a room, they must in some way be greeted or announce themselves. As above, assign the parts- the kids without parts can do sound effects.
- Interview newsmakers in the community, school board members, etc. As above, have the questions written beforehand.
- Inteview grandma or grandpa about the “olden days”
- Tell a mystery, fractured fairy tale or tall tale. Sound effects are also effective here.

Older kids and teens
- The sky’s the limit- mini documentaries, radio drama, fake commercials, singing original songs, interviews, dialogues, commentaries.
- You can hear what kids high school create at Youth Radio

Resources for Radio
Instructions on how to webcast – If you can’t webcast, send it to us and we’ll put it on Kids’ Public Radio. Also, check out what kids are doing worldwide on the radio.
Resources for Kids to use with Parents or Teacher
We have a kids’ radio forum on Teach Ade for teachers. Adults need to register to use. Other resources are coming soon.